NanoMesh Workshop

BRAUNWALD, Switzerland
September 17-20, 2006


Abstract submission : CLOSED

Deadline for abstract submission: June 12th, 2006

Important notification: the number of participants is restricted! Participation priority will be given to authors having submitted an abstract before June 12th, 2006, and which have been selected by the Scientific Advisory Committee.
Acceptance notification (talk, poster, workshop participation) will be sent until June 30th, 2006.


Abstracts must be submitted prior to the June 12, 2006 deadline.
A limited number of fellowships for researchers from new European Union countries will be available. The application information is given here.
The abstract layout has to be identical to the following documents: doc or pdf format. Submission of a figure is optional, but strongly encouraged.
The abstract itself should be max. 3800 characters (including spaces) long. Submission of a figure, figure caption or bibliography naturally reduces the abstract length.
Abstracts can fill not more than one A4 (21x29.7cm) page.
Abstract must be submitted in pdf format. In addition it will be entered in text format in the abstract submission form.
Image file has to be in jpeg, gif or png format. The size of the image has to be exactly identical to the one present in the pdf file. (Figure will be printed black&white in abstract booklet.)
Contributed talks and posters will be selected by the committee on the basis of work originality, significance and novelty.
Information to provide in the abstract: title, authors, email and mail address, results, eventually figure, figure caption, bibliography if needed


The presenting author must be a regular registrant.
All abstract must be submitted via the web submission system only.
Be sure to provide correct email address for the corresponding author.
Acknowledgment of your submission will be sent via E-mail. If you do not receive this, your abstract is NOT submitted.
Abstract acceptance as oral/poster contribution will be announced via email. Authors will be notified about the status of their submission until June 30th, 2006.
Accepted abstracts will be published online at the conference website. If, for some reason, you do not wish your abstract to appear online, you must check the box provided on the registration form. If this is done, only the title, authors and affiliations will appear.

Abstract submission: CLOSED